Health & Beauty

I've never had a steady hand when it came to nail polish. I'm guilty of using the binder reinforces for French manicures, but because those don't fit my toe nails I always avoided pedicures...until now!
    Band aids, with their wonderfully curved edges, can get you those perfect lines! It's super easy and fast. Apply a clear base coat to your nails and wait for them to dry. Once you're positive they won't smudge, simply peel the protective tape off of the band aid and stick the edge of it right below the tip of your nail.
     Simply paint the tips, peel of the band aids, and wah-la! You have the perfect pedicure.


   I had some extra time today and wanted to try some fancy nail designs I'd force myself to believe could only be done at a salon. After doing some Pintrest searching I found instructions on how to do a relatively simple design and thought I should share!
     It's super easy, and even the worst nail painters (aka myself) can accomplish it. All you need is two different colors of polish (preferably colors that work well together). Use the lighter of the two colors for the base coat, if you use the darker polish first it may be visible through the lighter top coat. Make sure the polish is completely dry before moving on to the next step.
     Cut out strips of tape, the size and number of the strips are up to you! Place the tape on the accent nail and make sure it's stuck on there well. The polish is a liquid, and if a part of the tape is sticking up, it will run right under it.
     Once the tape is firmly on your nail, take the second polish and go over the tape completely. Make sure the base coat isn't visible. Do this relatively quickly, otherwise you risk pulling up the whole top coat. (I made this mistake countless times, I thought you were supposed to let the paint dry completely but you're really supposed to pull of the tape as soon as possible).
     Now that the tape is off, let the polish dry and go over with a top coat. You're nails now have a super cute design!
When finished, your nails should look something like this!
     To say I enjoy working out would be a cruel joke. To be honest, I find most trips to the gym torturous and try to avoid them as much as possible. Unfortunately, my mother is somewhat of a fitness addict and when certain occasions come around (such as Mother's Day or her birthday) I'm forced to engage in a tedious 5 mile walk/jog/insanely hilly workout to make her happy.
     Having been subjected to one of these "walks" this week, I realized mid summer has not been devoted to physical all. Once bathing suit season passes along with the rush of summer, I tend to forget the importance of staying in shape. Now that falls coming along there's only more temptation (Thanksgiving is the ultimate food fest of the year). So although my dozens of comfy sweaters can temporarily hide any extra weight, I've decided to get in shape for "legging season". It's not a widely known thing, but it's the best motivation I have. For anyone willing to get in shape with me to look extra good in their leggings this year, I thought it would be good to share the new exercise routine I've made myself believe I'll do at least twice a day. On the bright side, it's (kind of) super easy and doesn't take too much time!
  • 15 Jumping Jacks 
  • 30 Second Plank 
  • 25 Side Crunches
  • 30 Second Plank (again...I know, I'm sorry) 
  • 25 Scissor Kicks 
  • 35 Sit Ups 
  • 20 High Kicks 
  • 35 Mayan Kayaks 
  • 4 Minutes of Dancing (running works too) 
  • 15 Squats  
It honestly takes no more than 20 minutes and your abs will feel pretty good afterwards! And if you're like me and have trouble keeping track of which exercise to do next, it helps a ton to make a recording of your voice on your phone to list everything off! 

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